Botanist and biogeographer with a focus in long term history. I apply ecoinformatics tools on current and palaeobiological records to address broad questions about biogeography, macroecology, community-ecology, anthropization and/or climate change.
Setting a PostgreSQL server for the European Pollen Database (EPD)
In this vignette we will explain and illustrate how to install a PostgreSQL server in Windows and Ubuntu, and how to mirror the European Pollen Database (EPD) into the server. The general procedure include the next steps:
- Download and install PostgreSQL server
- Download EPD data for PostgreSQL
- Setup PostgreSQL for EPD:
- Create mandatory users for EPD
- Create a database for EPD into the server
- Dump EPD data into the new database
Download and install PostgreSQL server
The first step is to download and install the PostgreSQL server. This step changes depending on your operating system (OS). Select your OS in the tabs below.
You can download Windows binary files of PostgreSQL server latest version, which include the graphical interface pgAdminIII, from https://www.postgresql.org/download/windows/. Currently (2016/06/13), there are two providers: EnterpriseDB and BigSQL. BigSQL provides a much richer installation of the server with a lot of complements that are intended for developers and that will be useless for a low profile user. Hence, I recommend to use binary files from EnterpriseDB. The file name should looks like
(Xs indicate the version number and Ys the computer architecture: x86 or x64).Índice de aridez
Llevo unos días preparando en GRASS una nueva variable bioclimática. Se trata de un índice de aridez, calculado en base a las precipitaciones y a la ETP (Thornwaite). En este script, hay un paso que me ha resultado interesante y es una ecuación para estimar la longitud del día en función del día del año y de la latitud. Dejo aquí el script completo por si a alguien le interesa. También dejo un fichero de clasificación que hace falta para un paso intermedio del script.
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